Few factors that will be necessary in your quest to become a great singer.
1. Tenacity
The definition of tenacity or being tenacious, is holding fast by keeping a firm hold. Additionally, it
is being persistent, stubborn and obstinate. Basically, this means that you won’t change your course, no matter what gets in your way. If you don’t have this quality, you may as well hang it up. You have to possess a burning desire to be a great singer, and do what it takes to get there.
2. Realistic expectations and goals
Improving your singing involves much more than just merely practicing songs. Having realistic expectations about what is involved and additionally creating effective goals to help reach those expectations is a must. Ever been in a relationship with someone who set the bar too high? They had expectations that were so unreasonable that no matter what you did, it was never enough? Just as this thinking sabotages relationships, so to will it sabotage your quest to be a great singer. Don’t go there.
3. Is there something there to work with?
Let’s face it. Not everyone is cut out to be a singer. As an instructor, I can teach vocal principles all day long, but if the talent is not there, it’s not going to make a major impact. Be honest with yourself.
4. Get a competent (and compatible) vocal coach
You need a vocal teacher that has the knowledge to help you become aware of habits (like singing out of your nose, shallow breathing etc.) and create an overall program that will enable you to excel. You also need someone who is “compatible” – someone you feel comfortable with. No need for personality clashes.
5.Consistency of practice
You have to create a consistent, weekly practice schedule that will enable you to properly work out your voice. Once a week will not cut it. Honestly, you will be amazed on how much better you will get with this simple concept. If you aren’t practicing on a consistent basis, then all the voice lessons in the world won’t help. Learning is not enough. You gotta apply the knowledge!
6. Implement what you learn
Proper breathing, vocal exercises and other practical techniques need to be implemented into “real-life.” Don’t throw everything you learn out the window when you hit the stage and go back to your old ways out of nervousness or comfort. To be a great singer, you need to take what you learn and blend it into your performance.
Just know, that it IS DOABLE! But you will have to put the time into it, to make it so.